Thursday, 15 March 2012

A Note of Thanks.

MACS 100 Fund Raising Efforts

The MACS Centenary Projects Group would like to thank all those who have worked hard to raise funds and those who responded positively by contributing generously. Special thanks to Roy Chung who gave an immediate contribution of RM10,000 to start us off and who stayed the course despite the uncertainty of whether the book will materialise due to an apparent lack of support from others in the early stages. Thanks also to Classes of '71, '72 an '78 who were the early contributors and also to Class of '73 for their DVD and Polo-Shirt fund-raising efforts that followed.

Without funds, it would have been impossible for us, although working on a strictly voluntary basis, to carry out any of the Centenary projects, especially the printing and publishing of the Coffee Table Book even though the entire authoring, editing and graphics were done “in-house” without any costs for outside professional services.

The funds raised, along with proceeds from the pre-payments for the book, profits from the sale of MACS 100 T-Shirts and the The Macsian Pdf DVDs will be used to finance the cost of printing and publishing this Coffee Table Book. After publication and after reconciliation, a decision will be made on how any balance funds and profits will be disbursed for the benefit of the school or alumni association, if successfully formed.

In response to our appeal for funds, Class of 1973 undertook, as their contribution, to design and supply the MACS 100 T-Shirts at their own cost for sale by the MACS Centenary Projects group. Just over RM12,000 was raised through this initiative. They also primarily managed the digital conversion of all the available editions of the school magazines for the The Macsian Pdf DVD project and to date, profits amounting to RM3,690 have been raised. Almost RM8,000 in pre-paid orders for the Coffee Table Book have been collected before going to the printers.

Our thanks and appreciation to all those who have generously contributed in cash and kind (please see page below for the list of contributors).

 I hope that you will find the book up to your expectations and read-worthy. While I have striven to make it as good a publication as possible, the underlying objective was to do my very best without incurring the very costly professional services for editing, graphics and publishing. The photographs in the book, even though enhanced and corrected, are more often than not, third generation  prints or scans - certainly not ideal and I apologise that it had not been possible to find better copies or the originals.

Finally, I would like to thank everyone who have in one way or another helped to make the Coffee Table Book a reality:

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Our Dental Nurse, Vikki

Malacca ACS was one of very few schools that could boast of having her own Dental Clinic in the 60s until the 80s. It was part of the Methodist Mission's program to ensure good dental care especially in the bigger Methodist schools.

It was probably through this dental care program that many of us now have better teeth, a denture here and there, bridging, crowning and an implant or two notwithstanding.

One thing for sure though, our young minds then, and for quite a few even today, were often pre-occupied with day-dreams and dreams of our dental nurse. Till this day, she remains fresh in our memories...

Page 112 and 113 of the Coffee Table Book features "Vikki, Our Dental Nurse"
Screen-shots (resolution lowered) below:

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Index of MACSians

An Index of MACSians is included in our  coffee table book
MACS Centenary 1910-2010: Dear ACS, We're proud of thee

For your easy selection and reading of the coffee table book, an Index of MACSians is included. This Index, on pages 279 to 282, lists about 1,770 names with the respective pages in which they have been mentioned in an article or often as a caption to a photograph.

To see if you or your classmates, friends, parents and/or siblings are listed. I post below, screen-shots of the Index pages:

Page 279 of the CTB, first Index page

Page 280 of the CTB, 2nd Index page

Page 281 of the CTB, 3rd Index page

Page 282 of the CTB, 4th Index page